Följande inlägg från 7/9 finns att läsa på androidforums.com,
"Spent an hour on the phone to orange last night trying to get a new phone out of them as I just finally got sick of the phone not having all the features of my friends nexus...anyway, their verdict (uk based) that htc are releasing 2.1 by the end of sept for the tattoo. I told them that I was expecting to hear that as that seems to be what everyone is getting fobbed off with...
Anyway, I thought I would give HTC a ring, and they also confirmed that there will be an update released by the end of september, to 2.2 (froyo). So I am hoping that I have not been lied to, but it does sound promising.
As for orange customers, I asked the HTC guy why they have been taking gmail and youtube apps off the phone, and he said it is because youtube eats all their bandwidth, so they have made it so you have to go through browser etc, which seems like a logical thing to do from a business side of things, and he thinks most other companies will follow suite, it is just sucky for us tattoo users!
I shall report back on the 1st of oct with either a happy post or a very unhappy post."
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