Problem: Blockerad mic vid inkommande samtal

Diskussion i 'Xperia XZ3' startad av pernils94231, 16 jan 2020.

  1. pernils94231

    pernils94231 Adult Droid Medlem

    Blev medlem:
    8 jun 2017
    Mottagna gillanden:
    Pixel 7 + IPhone 15 pro max


    Pixel 7 + IPhone 15 pro max
    Nått blockera min mic uppringaren kan inte höra mig. Ingen skildnand på vanligt samtal luren mot örat eller högtalare ej heller blåtand funkar.
    Omstart löser inte problemet.
    Men trådat headset via usb-C dongel funkar bra.
    Inget fysiskt fel på mic kan spela in ljud med tex camera. Xperia testet säger att högtalare o mic funkar!
    Kan det vara google assistenten eller Android Auto som spökar?
    Bugg efter upgrade till Android 10:
    Google Assistenten aktiv mitt i natten dvs i lyssningsläge, symbolerna syns nere på knappen i mitten.

    Är inte i ett läge där jag kan testa installera om luren just nu.
  2. sweanisse

    sweanisse Youth Droid Medlem

    Blev medlem:
    12 sept 2011
    Mottagna gillanden:
    Xiaomi Poco X4 Pro 5G


    Xiaomi Poco X4 Pro 5G
    intressant nog kan detta vara kopplat till detta bugen

    first off this infromation come direct form xda-devlopers
    How to fix charging and end call sounds on the after the Android 10 update


    On Android 9 Pie and before, Google used to store UI‌ sounds such as docking/undocking sounds and
    screen locking sounds in /product/media/audio directory.

    That changed with Android 10, which has moved the sounds to a new location: /system/media/audio

    UI sounds are still in the old directory. As a result, when the system tries to access sounds from this old location and can’t locate the files, Android falls back to the older UI sounds embedded in framework-res.

    *removed the pixel information as this can also affect more manufacturers than just pixel devices

    As it turns out, the culprit seems to be the relocation of the system sound files.

    On Android 9 Pie and before, Google used to store UI‌ sounds such as docking/undocking sounds and screen locking sounds in /product/media/audio directory.

    That changed with Android 10, which has moved the sounds to a new location: /system/media/audio.

    The problem is Android 10 thinks the UI sounds are still in the old directory. As a result, when the system tries to access sounds from this old location and can’t locate the files, Android falls back to the older UI sounds embedded in framework-res.

    the user co4 on the forum XDA developers seems to have developed and solution

    that looks like this

    adb shell settings put global car_dock_sound /system/media/audio/ui/Dock.ogg
    adb shell settings put global car_undock_sound /system/media/audio/ui/Undock.ogg
    adb shell settings put global desk_dock_sound /system/media/audio/ui/Dock.ogg
    adb shell settings put global desk_undock_sound /system/media/audio/ui/Undock.ogg
    adb shell settings put global lock_sound /system/media/audio/ui/Lock.ogg
    adb shell settings put global low_battery_sound /system/media/audio/ui/LowBattery.ogg
    adb shell settings put global trusted_sound /system/media/audio/ui/Trusted.ogg
    adb shell settings put global unlock_sound /system/media/audio/ui/Unlock.ogg
    adb shell settings put global wireless_charging_started_sound /system/media/audio/ui/ChargingStarted.ogg

    These commands will change the path for each UI‌ sound from /product/media/audio to /system/media/audio, making sure the system is now looking under the correct location when requesting system sounds.

    There’s no need to reboot the device after running the above ADB commands. It only affects owners who had performed a clean install of Android 10 i.e. by flashing the Android 10 system image.
    If you updated from Android Pie to Android 10 with the official OTA, you should be fine — as long as you don’t perform a factory reset.

    om detta är en android 10 bug så bör du skriva en så detaljerad rapport till sony som möjligt för att sony ska kunna fixa detta problemet
    Last edited: 19 jan 2020
    pernils94231 gillar detta.