Fråga: Padfone 2 Station power button issue

Diskussion i 'Padfone' startad av Nevill, 19 jan 2013.

  1. Nevill

    Nevill Infant Droid Medlem

    Blev medlem:
    19 jan 2013
    Mottagna gillanden:


    Hey guys i got Padfone 2 , and sudenly i got strange issue with power button on station for the phone, when i dock phone in to the station i can click power button ( short cklick ) and i get option to restart and turn off the phone but on short click im suposed to turn off station screen, after i cklicked once power button on station, that button become non responsive to more cklicks, so i cant wake the screen up restart or any kinde of action that include station power button, so i need to remove phone from station and redock the phone again to be able to klick that power button but only once again, so do u guys have any idea if this is software issue or anithing else hardware issue ( hope its not hardware issue ) , but if u got any idea how to fix this plz help me out .
  2. Vispen74

    Vispen74 Senior Droid Medlem

    Blev medlem:
    8 jan 2010
    1 082
    Mottagna gillanden:


    Samma här tyvärr, inte varje gång, men de flesta. Trodde det löste sig genom manuell re-flash av programvaran. Men idag kom det igen.
    Restore hjälper inte heller.

    Edit: Senaste uppdateringen löste detta, problem solved!
    Last edited: 24 jan 2013