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[ROM] BCM RC2.0U1 (Bravo CM9 HWA)
* Disabled Data Roaming by default
* Fixed SU Binary
* Fixed Busybox
* Fixed Bash
* Fixed WiFi
* Fixed Lockscreen
* Fixed Power Menu
* Fixed Buttons
* Worked out the final touch for the HWA smoothness (Framework)
* Updated Drewis HWComposer
* Added Timiat's build of the HWA kernel by Drewis
* Removed the GFX Hack version
* Updated TreBuchet Launcher
* Updated Apex Launcher
* Updated Nova Launcher
* Added Chrome Browser to installer
* Updated some of the CM Framework parts
* Updated some of the additional apps
* Added Facebook Sync hack (If it does not work, then to bad)
* Added in M2SD so that binded system apps are moved to sd-ext
* Added fix to Google Music Streaming
* And more...
* [Installer] Added Stock ICS Launcher to install options
* [Installer] Added two Calendar Sync Fix apps to the install options
* [Installer] Added option to set additional apps as system apps. Will fix problems with apps not showing in app drawer for some people
* [Installer] Added more install configurations to Mounts2SD
* [Both Versions] Added new Mms app that may fix MMS send/recieve problems
* [HWA Version] Added new HWA stuff from Drewis like 32 bit colors fix
* [HWA Version] Updated kernel to newest build from Drewis
* Added Aroma Installer. Installation is now customize able
* Merged GFX Hack version and Hardware Accelerated version into one ZIP
* Added Nova Launcher (Optional)
* Added TreBuchet Launcher (Optional)
* Added Google Music (Optional)
* Removed SU check from M2SD (Not working on all devices)
* Fixed permissions on /system/etc/boot.d/
* Updated to latest CM9
* Added ADB over network to init.rc
* Added DNS hack/fix to dhcpcd configuration
* Updated WiFix.apk
* More optimizations to build.prop
* Updated Rampv's camera libs to fix colors and add support for barcodescanner
* Updated Apex launcher (Now able to hide apps in drawer)
* Updated network releated binaries (Maybe fixes wifi issues?)
* Added GenieWidget (To data so that it can be deleted)
Also updated TreBuchet Launcher that can be downloaded in the "Extra Downloads" section.
* Updated Mounts2SD (Added secondary prop system)
* Optimized build.prop (For one, call delay should be reduced. Also some HW optimization and more)
* Replaced Nova launcher with Apex launcher (More fine tuned touch on the GUI)
* Updated ramdisk to use /system/bin/sysinit for /system/etc/init.d execution. (Fixes M2SD problems)
* Added /system/etc/boot.d (Old init.d) which can be used to execute scripts along side the regular boot process
* Updated Mounts2SD to fix problems like default values, deleting data and setprop.
* Replaced the WiFix script with WiFix app to fix wifi issues
A thanks to lenny_kano for his help figuring out the ramdisk/init.d issue.
* Updated to latest CM9 (No more CM Settings App. This has been merged with internal settings)
* Updated Mounts2SD to v:2.0.2
* Updated rapmv78's Camera HAL to enable Panorama support
* Added Wifi/Bluetooth fix
* Added GPS fix (AGPS Patch by crypted)
* Activated rotation in lock-screen
* Fixed device info in Mms App
The CM Team has added some placeholders in settings. These are for things that will come later.
So do not waste thread space asking why some of the new settings are empty.
The CM9 source is still not finished, so be patient.
* Updated to latest CM9
* Re-Upgraded Calendar to 4.0.3 (Downgrade provided as extra download)
* Reverted kernel to fix some of the boot loop problems
* Updated Mounts2SD to fix symlink revert problems
* Added new Package Installer. Might fix some market issues
* Reverted some binaries that gave problems
* Upgraded Nova Launcher
* Fixed Power & Home buttons
* Fixed bug in Mounts2SD
* Fixed SuperUser
* Reverted a few more apps that did not work properly
* Updated to latest CM9
* Added Trackpad wake
* Added UMS (Might need full wipe inc. /data)
* Reverted some Gapps to b0.2.5
* Downgraded Calendar to 4.0.1
* Added CM Music App
* Updated Nova Launcher
* Updated ramdisk files
* Changed Media Profiles to make camera less flickering
* Added battery percentage notification by Itsy
* Added WiFix app to fix wifi issues
* Updated Mounts2SD (Now with symlink suppport. Needs to be enabled)
* Added gallery from last gallery test zip
* Other minor changed
* Updated to latest CM9
* Updated Nova Launcher
* Updated Mounts2SD (However still having problems with enabled /data/data/)
* Updated GAPPS (Might still be a few problems)
* Updated tun.ko by orgler
* Added Cam Recorder by rapmv78
* Moved a lot of apk's from /system/app to /data/app
* Added additional apk's such as Torch, Maps, Email, FileManager etc.
* Fixed issue in framework to get Google Apps working
* Fixed issue with Mobile Network Location
* Added Talk.apk to ROM package
* Fixed small bug in the framework
* Fixed market error "Couldn't install on USB storage or SD card"
* Updated Phone and Contacts (CM Bugfixes)
* Fixed automatic brightness to remove flickering (CM Merge)
* New functionality to the Notification Rotation Button (Real Rotation Lock) (CM Merge)
* Updated camera drivers by rapmv78
* New gapps package (Will hopefully fix some gapps problems)
* Replaced Trebuchet with Nova Launcher by kevin@TeslaCoil
* Added new keyboard (More languages)
* Maybe fixed Facebook Sync. If it still does not work, contact facebook. It is actually an issue with their app.
* Fixed SuperUser problems
* Fixed Camera (This is just a hack. It's very unstable.)
* Fixed market download issues (Apps Compatibility check.)
* Possible fix on reported boot loops
* Moved to Tiamat 2.6.28 kernel
* Added some missing libs
* Some other minor fixes
* Fixed ADB connection problems that some times occurred
* Fixed Wifi connection
* Updated CMSettings (New layout and only one icon in app drawer)
* Updated Trebucket (Settings is removed from menu. It can be found in phone settings)
* Added DSP Manager
* Removed menu and back wake (Will look at trackball wake later as this is not pressed by accident in pocket)
* OSAP CM9 build from modified source thanks to Samuaz
* Updated kernel. Old one broke GPS signal
* Updated to current Mounts2SD version
* Changed some file permissions that might or might not have caused problems on some devices
* Updated Mounts2SD to version 1.2.1 with control script
* Updated Launcher2 with additional settings (Homescreen, Drawer and General)
* Added missing
* Busybox is now auto configured during install