Fråga: Samma S pen funktioner som på note 2?

Diskussion i 'Galaxy Note - Allmänt' startad av Sandhög, 20 okt 2012.

  1. Sandhög

    Sandhög Baby Droid Medlem

    Blev medlem:
    7 okt 2010
    Mottagna gillanden:


    Hej alla glada! Som jag fattar det så kommer note1 att få samma funktioner som finns i note 2 ?? o_O

    Kolla in länken nedan !

    What is the S Pen SDK Unity Extension?
    S Pen is a new input tool for the Samsung Galaxy Note series, which improves writing and drawing quality and accuracy over that of the conventional stylus, bringing the user experience closer to the feel of a real pen.

    Hoppas hoppas hoppas! (eller är jag helt ute och cyklar?)
  2. Sandhög

    Sandhög Baby Droid Medlem

    Blev medlem:
    7 okt 2010
    Mottagna gillanden:


    2-2. Adding S Pen Library to an Android Project
    First, download the S Pen SDK from
    Create a new Android project in Eclipse.
    Right-click on the new project and create a new folder called libs.
    Locate the libspen22.jar file in the libs folder in the S Pen SDK folder that was extracted.
    Copy the libspen22.jar file that you located in step 4 to the libs folder you created in step 3.
    Include the native library files, which were used to support features such as signature recognition,
    and image processing (image filters), to the project.
    Create a folder called armeabi by repeating step 3 and copy the native library files (*.so) from the libs/armeabi folder from the installation path of the SDK to the folder you just created.
    In Eclipse, add the libspen22.jar file to the build path.
    Click OK. When the Properties dialog box appears, click OK again.
    The libspen22.jar file is now added to the project.