Samsung har i ett pressmeddelande avslöjat att man inom kort kommer att lansera två nya processorer baserade på Arm Cortex-kärnan. Processorerna går under beteckningen S5PC110 respektive S5PV210, där den förstnämnda är avsedd för mobilt brukt och skall dra mindre ström samt vara fysiskt mindre än S4PV210. Bilden ovan avser Samsungs S5PC100-processor, det vill säga föregångaren till S5PC110.
De två processorerna har en klockfrekvens om 1GHz och är baserade på 45nm tillverkningsteknik. Vidare skryter Samsung med att man implementerat ett kraftfullt stöd för hårdvaruacceleration av 3D-grafik och videoavkodning av HD-upplöst film med möjlighet att ansluta telefonen till en TV över HDMI 1.3-gränssnittet.
Utöver detta har Samsung också integrerat en snabb kontrollenhet för USB-gränssnittet med stöd för värdfunktionalitet, något som innebär att man skall kunna ansluta en mängd USB-tillbehör till telefonen samt kunna dra nytta av enheter som ex. en bilstereo med USB-ingång.
Samsung var mycket tidiga med att adoptera Cortex-arkitekturen och idag finner vi deras första Cortex-baserade processor i både iPhone och Palm Pree. Än så länge har tyvärr inte någon Cortex-baserad processor hamnat i en Android-telefon, något vi hoppas att det blir ändring på redan i vinter, en realist hade dock sagt att vi bör vänta till nästa år.
Seoul September 22, 2009 — Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., a world leader in advanced semiconductor solutions, today introduced two new 1GHz ARM® CORTEX™-A8 based application processors, the S5PC110 and S5PV210, for advanced mobile devices at the sixth annual Samsung Mobile Solutions Forum held at the Westin Taipei Hotel. The S5PC110 is targeted for small form-factor connected devices such as multimedia intensive smartphones, while the S5PV210 is aimed at portable computing devices such as netbooks that demand high performance and design flexibility.
“More and more, user generated contents currently accessed via the PC will be spread to mobile devices,” said Dr. Kwang Hyun Kim, senior vice president, strategic marketing team, System LSI Division, Samsung Electronics. “PC-level performance with lower power consumption will become mainstream requirements for advanced mobile devices. Samsung developed S5PC110 and S5PV210 application processors to satisfy these conflicting requirements to enable a new level of user experience not previously possible.”
Both the S5PC110 and S5PV210 ensure longer battery life for mobile devices running on standard size batteries through a variety of low power technologies, including the use of a 45-nanometer (nm) Low Power fabrication process and intricate low power architectures. Each of these application processors comes with 32KB data and 32KB instruction caches, and is equipped with a 512KB L2 cache. With the 1GHz clock speed and large size L2 cache, these processors enable real-time applications such as web browsing and user interface (UI) to run smoothly with a fast response time.
High speed 3D graphics rendering and high resolution video support are two key differentiating features for advanced mobile devices. Both the S5PC110 and S5PV210 are equipped with a powerful built-in 3D graphics engine to support sophisticated 3D UI and high-caliber games. In addition, the two processors integrate a1080p full HD codec engine that supports 30fps full HD video playback and recording. A built-in HDMI1.3 interface allows output of captured or downloaded mobile multimedia contents to an external high definition digital display.
These two new application processors also feature a wide variety of interfaces and peripherals to maximize design flexibility and reduce system BOM cost of targeted mobile devices. In particular, a high speed USB 2.0 host interface is integrated for hosting various USB peripheral devices.
Targeted for small form factor mobile devices, the S5PC110 is housed in a 0.5mm pitch, 14X14mm2 FBGA package that allows package-on-package vertical stacking of low power, multiple chip package (MCP) memory such as OneDRAM™, mobile DDR and LP DDR2, greatly reducing the overall foot print of the memory and processor combo.
Designed for portable computing applications, the S5PV210 is packaged in a 0.65mm pitch, 17X17mm2 FBGA package with a high performance 2-channel 32-bit DDR2 memory interface that is essential for computing devices.
Customer samples of both products will be available in December, 2009
Genom Yahoo Finance